Logo for Vitruvian Fitness of Wheat Ridge

Membership Hold Request Form


Welcome to the Membership-Put-On-Hold-Request page! This is not an uncommon request and we're happy to do it for you. We do have a Hold Policy, however.

Your membership may be placed on hold IF you cannot attend any training sessions for more than a week. If you're going to miss for a week or less, ask us how we can help you stay caught up with your training.

Your membership hold may not be open-ended and not longer than 3 months from the date the hold is initiated. If you need more than 3 months, we'll need to come up with a different plan.

We ask for 5 business days notice to place the hold.

If you come back from a hold sooner than you scheduled, you'll have to let us know so we can remove it. Our system won't allow you to make reservations while your membership is on hold.

Valid reasons for requesting a hold are:

  • Illness
  • Injury
  • Other Medical Concerns
  • Travel (two consecutive weeks or longer)
  • Maternity / Paternity
  • Other Family Reasons

When your membership goes on hold, your payment schedule will be delayed by the amount of time of the hold and the expiration/ renewal date will be extended as well.

Membership Hold Request

Each field requires an answer.

Hold Request

Other Very Interesting Things to Note about Holds

  • Any reservations you have during the period of time your account is placed on hold will not be cancelled. Please, cancel those reservations.

  • Also, our system will send you an automatically generated email inquiring about your well-being after 7 days of being absent. It will be something for you to look forward to.
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